mandy harris williams

Mandy Harris Williams is a multidisciplinary artist and culture worker. She is from New York City and currently lives in Los Angeles. Her musical practice includes DJ’ing, creative audio-textual landscape design, and singing/writing original electronic and R&B music. She has a monthly radio show, the #BrownUpYourFeed Radio Hour, on NTS. She has been featured in Dazed Magazine, Cultured magazine,NPR, and KCRW and is a frequent radio and podcast guest. She is a founder of Rave Reparations and Salon, two celebratory praxis based organizations in Los Angeles. She is a noted influential cultural pop star, recognized by the Dazed 100 List, Cultured Young Artist’s List, and 2021’s Huffington Post Culture Shifters List.
To listen to Mandy’s mixes and for any booking requests please contact